
Searer, Robbins & Stephens provides a full range of architectural services from basic feasibility studies to fully integrated construction administration. 


Our flexible design philosophy allows us to bring innovative ideas to even the most challenging projects. 

About Us

Searer, Robbins & Stephens is a full-service architectural firm headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona with more than 30 years of expertise in the areas of healthcare, commercial and public architecture.


We have been fortunate to work with many wonderful clients. The phrase “in the Best Interest of the Client” is and will be the preface to all architectural services we provide. 

Service Approach

Searer, Robbins & Stephens understands that different methods of approach and service are required for large projects versus small ones. 

Contact Us

Contact us today. Fill out the form or use the info below:
Phone: (602) 277-1187 

Architectural Registrations

We have architectural registrations in states across the U.S.

Sustainable Design

Sustainable Design and ‘Green Building’ is not just getting a certificate; nor is it just using green building materials or recycling. Sustainable design includes an understanding of the local climate and the facility use, past, present and future.

Searer, Robbins & Stephens

full service architecture

phoenix, az

(602) 277-1187

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